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Fideuram is among the key private banking players in Italy thanks to its exclusive model that combines dynamism and ambition of more than 6,500 private bankers, as well as the strength and stability of a true bank.

With assets under management totalling over 300 billion euros, Fideuram is an industry benchmark.

Deeply rooted across Italy, it was the first Italian private bank and among the first in the Euro Area.
Solidity, reliability and long-term planning. A team of professionals supporting the future of their customers.

For further information about Fideuram visit www.fideuramintesasanpaoloprivatebanking.com/



Legal headquarters
Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking S.p.A.
Piazza San Carlo, 156
10121 Torino
Tel. 01157735.11
Fax 011548194

Secondary office with permanent representation:
Via Montebello, 18
20121 Milano
Tel. 02.85181
Fax 02.85185235

Administrative headquarters
Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking S.p.A.
Piazzale Giulio Douhet, 31
00143 Roma
Tel. 06.59021
Fax 06.59022634

Registered Capital Eur 300.000.000,00
Registro Imprese di Torino, Codice Fiscale 00714540150 e Partita IVA 11991500015
N. Iscr. Albo Banche 1175
Codice ABI 3296.1
Iscritta al n. D000060672 della sezione D del Registro Unico degli Intermediari Assicurativi tenuto dall’IVASS, Autorità preposta alla vigilanza dell’attività di intermediazione assicurativa svolta dalla Banca.
Aderente al Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi e al Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia.
Appartenente al Gruppo Bancario “Intesa Sanpaolo” iscritto all’Albo dei Gruppi Bancari.
Socio Unico Direzione e Coordinamento Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.